
Bangka Belitung Shrimp Conference - May 23, 2023

Erzaldi Rosman Institute, Bangka Belitung University, and Minapoli have organized the Bangka Belitung Shrimp Conference with the theme "Synergy in Building Shrimp Farming for National Food Security" on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at Novotel Convention Hall, Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung. More than 500 people from policy makers, experts, startup, farmers, entrepreneurs, and also students have a great enthusiasm while attended the event which aims to support the optimization of shrimp farming in Bang Belitung Province.

 The opening remarks was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ibrahim, S.Fil., M.Si. as Chancellor of Bangka Belitung University, and continued by Erzaldi Rosman Djohan as Governor of Bangka Belitung 2017-2022. He expressed his great support for the event and the development of the shrimp farming industry in Bangka Belitung Province. Also, he said that the availability of large land and geographical conditions in Bangka Belitung need to be used optimally.

This national event has a series of three seminar session with very comprehensive discussion related to the shrimp farming industry. One of the important points discussed in this activity is the strategy to optimize the shrimp production and its marketing to fit the local and global market demand.

Chairperson of Asosiasi Produsen Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Produk Perikanan (AP5I), Budhi Wibowo said “In the global market, the Survival Rate (SR) level of Indonesia’s shrimp is increasingly uncompetitive, while the demand is growing rapidly. We have to plan an alternative marketing strategy. One that we can do is develop innovation product from processed shrimp”.

 “Through more diverse innovation product, it is hoped that Indonesia’s role in export trade will become stronger. Also, we can reach wider destination countries to export our products”, he added.

 By connecting all stakeholders in this comprehensive forum, hope it could help shrimp farmers in Bangka Belitung Province to optimized their business with good cooperation. Furthermore, it would be a good start to establish a wider scope among stakeholders in order to realize a sustainable aquaculture and to increase the national shrimp production.